P003 → art project | Sound, Journey

Sound installation, sound event
artists: Hang Chen, Qianhui Ma 
Enschede/Arhem Netherlands, 2022

As a sensible material object, for us this sound installation that mainly made by bamboo and tinplate, is the embodiment of shareable spirit that carries our perception of sound, as well as the process by which we imagine and create it. 

We believe different places have different soundscapes and one place might have different soundscapes at different times of the day, or in varying weather. With our self-made sound sources, it has become clear that the sound walk has more of an emphasis on being an 'event'.  "The meaning of any sound—whether object, event, or material—is inseparable from its historical moment, site of production, or reception. " Those places where we walk, the connections that we create, form a sound map in our bodies, a temporal and spatial relationship through sound trails. 

Walking around in time, sometimes I felt like I was outside of time. I thought before that a different dimension of time had appeared, however, when I thought of it again, I was actually free from time. Not only does the universe of sound seem to be timeless, it also homogenizes everything around it, erasing the system of time setting. We used our body to measure and observe, not some other tools or with deadlines. In some ways, we can also be seen as a tool to ourselves.