P009 → MaxMSP Work

# sciaenidae ensemble~

A Sciaenidae ensemble piece. I stumbled on the grunt of the croaker fish, startling me with its cacophony, a knock can reach 170 decibels, even louder even than the noise of an airplane. Some have designed sonic traps to capture them, resonating with their sleep frequencies so that the fish perish in their dreams. 

These fish, with their sonic muscles, beat against their swim bladders, bones grinding, or teeth clashing, becoming virtuosos of noise. Bones, with their enduring longevity, remind me of Rilke’s musings on skulls. He once observed the cracks on a skull’s surface, so much like the grooves etched by a phonograph needle on a wax cylinder. If one trace these fissures with a needle, the bones themselves are also become a phonograph.  

# feedback of a tidal Borges

Remorse For Any Death
by Jorge Luis Borges


Free of memory and of hope, limitless, abstract, almost future, the dead man is not a dead man: he is death. Like the God of the mystics, of Whom anything that could be said must be denied, the dead one, alien everywhere, is but the ruin and absence of the world. We rob him of everything, we leave him not so much as a color or syllable: here, the courtyard which his eyes no longer see, there, the sidewalk where his hope lay in wait. Even what we are thinking, he could be thinking; we have divvied up like thieves, the booty of nights and days. 

# Animal Magnetism

# Deepstaria